Terms of Service

If you access the Site or register or contract to use or access the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and the other documents and terms with immediate effect. These terms of use and legal documents may be amended by us at any time. Your use of the site after posting any change means your acceptance of these terms of use and the modified legal documents.

This website allows users to purchase a variety of gift cards and digital services. Hisooq platform has the right to provide new services and update or cancel any of the services, at our sole discretion without any liability.

When you use or access the Services, you agree to the following:

  1. The customer must pay with his credit card only, and is not entitled to use anyone else’s credit cards. In the event that the paid service is not received, the user must immediately contact High Souq customer service. The user has no right to request a recovery of the value from the bank.
  2. It is your responsibility to maintain the privacy and restrict access to and use of your account and password,
    You agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your account and password.
  3. Notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other violation of the Site Terms of Use.
  4. Provide complete, true, accurate and current information about yourself and your use of the Services as specified by us.
  5. cooperate with requests from us to obtain additional information regarding your eligibility and use of our Services.
  6. You may not take any action that would reduce the Site’s rating and rating systems.
  7. You may not transfer your account to another party.
  8. Pledge not to spread viruses or any dangers from others that may harm our services or the interests or property of other users.
  9. You undertake not to violate the laws of copyright, trademark, patent, morality, advertising, database, and/or any intellectual property rights (collectively referred to as “Intellectual Property Rights”) that relate to us or are licensed to us and the Intellectual Property Rights
  10. You may not collect users information or circumvent any of the technical procedures we use to provide the Services
  1. All content contained on the site is under our ownership or under the ownership of our licensors and suppliers, including but not limited to digital cards, text, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, digital downloads and software. We (or our licensors or suppliers, as applicable) reserve all of our rights, title and interest in the Site and Services, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights contained within these Terms of Use.
  2. The customer has no right to use our trademarks without prior written consent.
  3. The customer does not have the right to claim that he is an agent, marketer, or representative of HiSooQ LLC and the “HiSooq.com” website.

You warrant, undertake and acknowledge the following:

  1. Full compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to compliance with legislation related to privacy laws and content regulation.
  2. You have full authority to contract in accordance with these Terms of Use, and your performance of your obligation under these Terms of Use does not conflict with:
    1. Any governmental laws, rules, regulations and guidelines to which you are subject.
    2. Any other agreements to which you are a party or to which you are bound.
  3. If you create or use an account on behalf of a company, you are authorized to act on behalf of that company and warrant that it adheres to these Terms of Use. This account is owned by this company and under its management.
  4. Any content submitted by you as part of your use of the Services and for any products you include does not infringe the rights of third parties anywhere in the world, including without limitation any intellectual property rights (whether registered or not).
  5. The Services are provided to you on an “as is” basis without warranties, representations or representations. We disclaim all warranties, representations or representations in all forms, whether express, implied or additional, including but not limited to all warranties, representations or representations of the fitness for commercial purposes, fitness for a specific or general purpose, or non-infringement or violation of any rights or Our Services will be safe, free of defects, will operate without any faults, or will be provided in a timely or general manner.
  6. Furthermore, although we attempt to be as accurate as possible, we do not warrant that product or other content of any Service is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. In addition – and based on your being a buyer – you agree that we are not responsible for examining or testing the listings or the content of the services provided by us or by others, and that you will not attempt to place responsibility on us for any errors or defects in any of the information.
  1. In no event will we, our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, directors, agents, employees and suppliers, whether based on an action or claim in contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or breach of these Terms of Use, be liable for any claim for loss of profits, loss of data or information, business failure, any financial loss, or any special, indirect or incidental damages even if we, our affiliates, directors, officers, agents, employees, licensors, suppliers or subcontractors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  2. We (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, agents, employees or suppliers) will not be liable for, and you acknowledge that you will not hold us liable for, any damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from:
    1. Content or other information we provide when you use the Services.
    2. Your use of or inability to use the Services.
    3. pricing, shipping, coordination, or any other instructions provided by us.
    4. Delay or interruption in providing services.
    5. Viruses or other malicious software found through access to the Services.
    6. The presence of errors, malfunctions or inaccuracies in the services in any way.
    7. Damage to your device through the use of products sold on the Site or through our Services.
    8. The content or actions or inactions of third parties using our services.
    9. Suspension or other actions we take related to your use of the Services.
    10. Your need to modify practices, content or conduct or your loss or inability to do business as a result of changes to these Terms of Use.
  3. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, including indemnifying and holding harmless our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, agents, employees and suppliers related to our company or our parent, subsidiaries and affiliates from and against any losses, damages and expenses (including legal fees and attorneys’ fees) (“Claims”). Which arise from:
    1. Any claims or claims made by third parties as a result of your use of the Services.
    2. Breach any of the provisions contained in these Terms of Use, including without limitation any of the warranties, representations and representations.
    3. Violate any applicable laws, including but not limited to data protection or anti-spam laws.
    4. The manner in which you use our Services, including but not limited to the content you post, the products you list or your trademarks, violates any third party intellectual property rights, or your content is slanderous, satirical, libelous, or violates any Other rights (including privacy rights) of third parties (including other website users).

We are committed to ensuring that products and content contained on the Site comply with these Terms of Use. If the content contained herein does not comply with these Terms of Use, please notify us and we will investigate the matter.

  1. Applicable Law: These Terms of Use and any related non-contractual rights or duties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of Palestine and the United States of America.
  2. Dispute Resolution: If you have any issues with our Services please contact us. We will work hard to solve the problem you face as soon as possible. Any disputes or controversies relating to these Terms of Use, including any related non-contractual rights or duties, shall be settled by the courts of Palestine and the courts of the United States of America in Delaware.
  3. The relationship of the parties: There is nothing in these terms of use that the parties or others can interpret or interpret to interpret the relationship between us as between partners or agents or create a joint project between the parties, but it is understood and clear that all parties to the agreement are independent parties.
  4. Additional Assurances: The Parties will act or arrange to act, document, and other matters within their authority to enforce and verify these Terms of Use, including but not limited to assisting each party to comply with applicable law.
  5. Entire Agreement: These Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in these Terms of Use represent the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement and supersede and supersede all prior agreements, negotiations and representations, written or oral, relating to the subject matter. Except as specified in the Terms of Use and the documents referred to or included in these Terms of Use, there are no conditions, representations, warranties, undertakings or agreements between the parties, whether direct, indirect, collective, express or implied.
  6. Amendments: We reserve the right to amend, alter, add or supplement these Terms of Use at any time or from time to time. We will post the current version of the Terms of Use on the Site and it will be effective when posted on the Site or upon the date specified by us as the “Effective Date” (if any). Your continued use of the Services in the event of any changes constitutes your agreement to be bound by the modified Terms of Use.
  7. Severability of clauses: If any of the provisions of these Terms of Use are considered invalid by any of the competent courts or illegal or unenforceable, then this clause of these Terms of Use will be canceled and the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force as long as the legal and economic essence of the deals remains. Which was done under its terms and conditions without any effect.
  8. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for loss, damage, delay or non-fulfillment as a result of acts beyond the control of either party whether such act could have been foreseen (such as acts of God and actions issued by legislative, judicial or regulatory authorities of any local government or Judicial proceedings, actions taken by any third party or supplier of goods, labor unrest, complete power outage or economic boycott).
  9. Non-Waiver: The waiver of any of the provisions contained in the Terms of Use does not constitute a waiver of any of the other provisions (similar or not), nor does any other waiver constitute a continuing waiver of any of the provisions in question, unless we expressly stipulate this in writing.
  10. Contact: You can contact us via email at support@hisooq.com
  11. Continued effectiveness: All provisions which are stated to remain in force or which by their nature apply after the termination of the contract shall remain in effect after the termination or suspension of your membership in the website.
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